English literature glossary pdf

The routledge dictionary of literary terms edited by peter childs and roger fowler. Literature vocabulary is comprised of terms and concepts that are specific to the world of literature and literary works. A character, ritual, symbol, or plot pattern that recurs in the myth and literature of many cultures. Skilled writers of literary analysis use subjectspecific terminology to construct coherent, accurate arguments. It covers a wide range of terms, concepts and theories related to english literature. A glossary of literary terms, seventh edition english literature. Learn to english literature poetry terminology with free interactive flashcards. This is a more direct and preferred style of writing in most cases. The concise oxford dictionary of literary terms chris baldick is professor of english at goldsmiths college, university of london. Check out these terms to get a handle on the basics of prose study. English theses and dissertations english university of.

Welcome to its tutorial schools comprehensive source of definitions for terms related to english literature. Choose from 500 different sets of to english literature poetry terminology flashcards on quizlet. Allegory a story in which the characters and events extend beyond the confines. There are several kinds of figurative language, also known as figures of speech. Based on a dictionary of modern critical terms, edited by roger fowler. Check out our free literature glossary, with hundreds of literary terms written in easytounderstand language and boatloads of examples. This glossary of literary terms is a list of definitions of terms and concepts used in the discussion. To find the exposition of a literary term or phrase, always look it up in the index of terms. As and alevel english language and literature glossary. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. He edited the oxford book of gothic tales 1992, and is the author of in frankensteins shadow 1987, criticism and literary theory 1890 to the present 1996, and other works of literary history. Try one of the apps below to open or edit this item.

Start studying english literature terminology a level. English literature terminology a level flashcards quizlet. As and alevel english language and literature 7706 and 7707 introduction this document offers guidance on content that students might typically explore when working with the different levels of language analysis on the as and alevel english language and literature specifications, as well as providing definitions of some key terms. Ap glossary of lit and rhetorical terms 1 ap language. However, theres some general knowledge you should have before you dive in.

Peter childs is professor of modern english literature at the university of. Enjambment occurs when the sense of the line overflows. A brief biography of many well known authors has also been included. As and a level english literature holy trinity academy. The glossary presents a series of succinct essays in the alphabetic order of the title word or phrase.

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